The Hague Climate Agreement

The Hague has its own climate agreement. It contains deals to significantly reduce CO2 emissions and to work together towards a healthy and green city.

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Earth is heating up, and the effects of climate change can be felt in The Hague too. Summers are getting hotter, winters are becoming milder, and we are experiencing more frequent heavy rain and prolonged drought. Rising sea levels also form a risk to The Hague.

People from The Hague in conversation about solutions for a climate-resilient city.

Why a climate agreement?

In 2016, The Netherlands and 194 other countries signed the Paris Agreement on climate change. The aim of this agreement is to limit global warming and take measures to adapt to our changing climate. For these efforts to succeed, everyone has to participate. This includes The Hague.

The City of The Hague has the ambition to be climate neutral by 2030. In order to make this a reality, collaboration and co-creation between all parties in the city is needed. Everyone has the ability to contribute: residents, companies, entrepreneurs, public and international institutions, and civil society organisations. The Hague Climate Agreement brings these parties together in order to find ways to strengthen each other’s climate efforts.

38 climate deals

The Hague Climate Agreement contains climate deals covering five different topics:

  • Energy transition: The transition from the use of fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy
  • Sustainable mobility: Clean transport without CO2 emissions
  • Circular economy: More reuse of items and raw materials and less waste
  • Climate adaptation: A green city that can withstand extreme weather
  • The Hague as the international city of climate, peace, and justice.

More information

Do you have questions about the climate deals or do you want to participate in an existing deal or work on a new climate deal yourself?

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The Hague climate neutral

The European Union (EU) has selected The Hague to participate in the EU Mission ‘100 Climate Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030′. This means that The Hague collaborates with the EU in reducing CO2 emissions.

The municipality has submitted a ‘Climate City Contract’ to the EU in light of this. This contract includes information on The Hague Climate Agreement and the deals.

Read more about the 100 Climate Neutral and Smart Cities mission on this website.